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When analog warmth
meets digital precision

High-quality analog emulation plugins tailored for modern workflows.

Pulsar Audio Plugins


The most complete passive EQ plugin. Musical and intuitive, a must-have for mixing and mastering

  • Meticulously recreates the original hardware
  • Complete on-screen curve editor and spectrum analyzer
  • Tight low-end, pristine high-end without harshness
Pulsar Massive GUI

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Pulsar Echorec is a software emulation of the iconic echo/delay unit of the same name produced by the Italian brand Binson in the 1960s

  • Instant vintage vibes on guitars or vocals
  • Add bounce and really unique textures to drums
  • Workflow improvements like sync with a tapped tempo


The most faithful emulation of a modern yet legendary tube compressor/limiter – perfect glue for mixing and mastering

  • True tube smoothness which rounds off any harshness
  • Modern visualization mode for fine-tuning
  • Added controls and flexible side-chaining
Pulsar Mu 3d side view 2

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Pulsar 1178 3d side view


A perfectly emulated and enhanced FET compressor.
Fast, characterful and versatile, it is the ultimate control for modern mixes.

Pulsar 8200 GUI


The paragon of EQs, reinvented. A faithful emulation of the legendary GML 8200.
Pulsar Smasher 3d front view


A straightforward extreme compressor modeled after the “British mode” of a uniquely modified 1176 compressor.

What top producers say about Pulsar

FREE Full-feature 14-day Trial

Enjoy a two-week full-feature trial before deciding to make a purchase.
To start evaluating a product, simply download and install it, and then follow the instructions provided.

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